October 22, 2024

Wolfe Tones GAA

An Caisl�an Glas

Wolfe Tones Club Development Plan update

In order to firmly establish a permanent Gaelic Games presence in Greencastle and neighbouring districts the club has, since February 2021, been engaged in the compilation of a Club Development plan.

This CDP will form the basis of a blueprint for the Club going forward over the next three years as week seek to chart where the club is now and where we would like to see it in the future, which steps are required to get us to a desired outcome and to identify the pitfalls and opportunities which may be presented to the Club in the intervening period.

Engaging with representatives from Coiste Chontae Aontroma, we developed a 5 strand approach looking at all aspects of club activity, from games and youth development, fundraising, culture and language, community engagement and communications.

Focus groups were charged with investigating these elements of club activity and have now reported their initial findings. In developing this stage of the Club development plan, we engaged with a number of key stakeholder and advisers from both within and outwith the Club structures including local residents, parents, players, coaches, community workers and elected representatives, trade unionists, financial experts, local business leaders, Civil Servants, schools, teachers and youth workers.

Over the coming months, this information will be compiled and will help form the basis of the next stage of the Club Development Plan.

The Club management Committee would like to thank all of those who have contributed thus far to building a Gaelic games and cultural movement we can be proud of.